In the dining area at the Union Square Whole Foods. I’m sitting near the window eating a light meal and I become aware of a heated conversation taking place several tables away. Two older men (whose faces I can’t see) sit across from a middle-aged woman, and the subject under discussion seems to be vaccines. I hear various ages mentioned, the phrase ‘herd immunity,’ and the conclusion, ‘we’ll just have to agree to disagree.’ I automatically assume – perhaps given the ‘New Age’ style in which the woman is dressed – that the men are arguing for the legitimacy of vaccines, the woman spouting conspiracy-theory skepticism. But after a while I’m not so sure, and nothing I manage to overhear sheds any more light on who holds which position. Other questions arise: do any of the three have some kind of professional interest in this subject? Are the three friends or mere strangers who happened to fall into such a heated argument? In a moment my question is answered: the woman stands up to leave, saying, ‘It was really nice to meet the two of you – and sorry we ended up talking about this. Maybe next time we’ll find a more neutral subject!’ Friendly goodbyes are said and the woman leaves. I continue to observe the two men for the rest of my meal, although they hold little interest for me now. They’ve meanwhile moved on to other topics: medicare benefits, medical billing, bureaucracy. I finish my meal and leave, and on my way down the stairs pass the woman on her way back up. Did she forget something? Or does she have one last thing to say on the matter of vaccines?

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