A study in contrasts. On the shuttle train, two characters I often see enter the otherwise nearly-empty train car and position themselves next to the front door, where they stand next to, but seemingly oblivious of, each other. The first: a Black man, middle-aged, ‘serious’ in attire and mood. He’s dressed in what I’ve come to recognize as his usual immaculate suit with Western accents (navy blue with black trim, white shirt with cuff links – and, most impressively, a crisp white cowboy hat). The second is a Caucasian person in their twenties, tall, reed-like and effeminate, clad in the same outfit they’re always wearing, regardless of the weather (tight T-shirt, short shorts, a few pieces of goth jewelry, combat boots – and, critically, a black leather cap, reminiscent of a 70s leather bar number). I can’t help but wonder, as someone whose sartorial choices tend toward the muted and utilitarian: what is it like for a fashion outlier to encounter someone with equally eccentric, but diametrically-opposed taste?

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